Repair construction of polyethylene anticorrosive tape

Polyethylene anticorrosive tape is widely used in building materials, and some wounds will inevitably occur during use. At this time, repair construction technology will be used. For its repair construction technology, the following is introduced:

   1. When repairing, you should first trim the damaged part, remove the loose burrs, clean it up, and apply primer.

2. When the anti-corrosion pipeline detects the defect, it should be marked and repaired in time.

  3. For polyethylene anticorrosive tape that does not meet the required width, use polyethylene anticorrosive tape and wrap it in the direction of the overlap.

4. For small-scale pinhole defects, use the same anti-corrosion tape as the original pipe anti-corrosion layer, and use patching method to repair. When repairing, cut a piece of tape and cut out the rounded corners of the patch. After the primer is dry, stick it on the patch.

5. For the area where the large leakage or anti-corrosion layer is damaged, so that the pipeline is exposed, the damaged polyethylene anti-corrosion tape anti-corrosion layer should be removed, the edges should be trimmed smoothly, and then the anti-corrosion tape of appropriate width should be used, spiral type The winding damage area.

   6. The above patch and primer should extend at least 45 mm in all directions to the defect area, and compact the tape tightly, using a wooden smooth tool to prevent it from lifting.

   That is to say, the repairing construction process of polyethylene anticorrosive tape is mainly used in the case of damage to the tape, and a process used for remediation. This process can repair the damaged tape in time.